“My greatest wish is to turn children’s unhappiness into happiness.” This was what motivated Padre William Wasson to found the international children’s charity nph in Mexico in 1954. The abbreviation nph stands for nuestros pequeños hermanos or “our little brothers and sisters”. nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e. V., based in Karlsruhe, was created as the German outfit in 1985. nph runs projects and programs relating to child and family welfare, education, emergency aid, medical care and sustainable development in nine countries across Latin America and the Caribbean. In the beginning, it was mainly about orphans and street children finding a new family in the nph children’s villages. Today, nph increasingly takes care of social orphans and helps families and their children get out of poverty. More than 18,000 children have already found a new family at nph. Extensive humanitarian aid outside the Children’s Villages reaches well over 100,000 people annually.
For more information, visit www.nph-kinderhilfe.org