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nph How nph is improving its donation process with web analytics

Three Karlsruhe companies – One passion project

 nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika has been supporting and empowering girls and boys in need in children’s villages and families in Latin America for over 65 years. So far, nph has helped to give more than 18,000 children a loving home and a safe start in life. Finding donors and keeping them loyal to the organization is tough work but at the same time donations are absolutely vital to nphTheir goal is to identify supporters and stakeholders who will support them. This is especially true for the online sector, too. Here, econda Analytics is used to continuously analyze, improve and optimize the entire process. How do nph, econda and the punkt.de agency manage this in such an outstanding partnership? Read our  Customer Casebelow to find out.

punkt.de, nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika and econda fighting together for a better future in Latin America

A common goal: Letting donors know about nph’s work and their facilities, projects and programs in Latin America and encouraging them to help nph children. A first-class website is one of the most important cornerstones for the organization. nph  attaches great importance to emphasizing the relevance for local children and families in all its projects. This also pays dividends when it comes to acceptance among donors. punkt.de  and econda have been supporting nph Kinderhilfe with our expertise for years.  punkt.de advises and supports nph Kinderhilfe on optimizing the digital donation process by providing data from user behavior and generally taking care of fully implementing the technical processes.  At econda, we provide support in the form our expertise in usability tracking and web analytics. We make sure that nph Kinderhilfe can always collect the right data to get relevant results and thus make informed decisions. 

nph Projekte

The project: Initial situation, requirements and goals

Initial situation: At nph, donors can decide to make a quick and easy donation directly in the  donation shop  or to invest in a larger, sustainable project on the ground A first-time donor does not automatically become a regular donor.  Regular donors have to be looked at separately as they require continuous management because you want to keep them loyal to the organisation as valuable supporters so as not to lose them.   Question: The focus of our partner project is what projects and areas of focus are particularly important for donors.  Which projects and which content are accessed frequently and read in their entirety? What prompted the visitor to  make the donation?  nph is also interested in analyzing the popularity of different types of donations. For example, whether donors tend to make general donations or to donate to specific projects, or even whether visitors sign up to sponsor a child right away. Also of interest is the how relevant different areas of focus are to donors. 

Implementation – which analyses provide the relevant KPIs for nph’s areas of focus? 

1. Which channels does traffic come through?

Through which marketing channels do visitors become aware of nph, which paths do you take from landing pages to successful checkout? Here, we were supported by the click path analysis in econda Analytics. Via the multichannel analyses, we can see that the online advertising placements, first launched at the end of 2020, were involved in many transactions. Paid Search stands out in particular. We also see that the SEO optimizations are producing results: The organic search is involved in many transactions around the end of the year. At the same time, the share of traffic from the organic search has increased more.

2. How can we look at different types of donations at a detail level?

Thanks  to  a  measurement  extension ,  project data  and donation types  can now be analyzed in detail. We  now  know which  project pages  are accessed and how often, and whether visitors start and also complete the donation process. Or at which point in the shop visitors leave the page. The viewtime  and  the  bounce  rate  per  content  page  are  two  important  metrics for  evaluating  the quality of the content. And the econda Click Monitor for econda Usability Analysis is also a valuable tool. The makeup of the sales intervals is also  very interesting. It shows us the  distribution between  different turnover segments among donors as a percentage. 3. Deeper analysis of the donation process

We have established a Funnel Analysis to analyze the  entire  donation process:  This  tool  helps  us  to identify how frequently the donation process is initiated and how frequently it is successfully concluded.  Since expanding  the  measurements  we can also see much more clearly how the checkout process is used. Where do users start, where do they leave. The data are still very new and require further analysis in order to establish some initial findings. However, we are sure that nph  will be able to further   optimize its processes with ease using these data.

What results does the analysis provide and what insights does nph draw from it?

Willingness to donate in Germany did not diminish during the  coronavirus period in 2020, in fact it increased. We saw a 50% increase in online donations at nph in 2020 compared to 2019. December continues to be by far the strongest month for donations. In recent years, we have seen this trend moving closer and closer to the end of the year. The last 2 weeks before the holidays are particularly strong. Approx. 25% of online donations in 2020 were made as general donations. Approx. 75% relate to specific projects, such as alleviating the impact of coronavirus on poverty, education, medical care or empowering girls. We are seeing a general trend of younger donors, in particular, making specific donations online with increasing frequency. We are always surprised that online donations also come from non-German-speaking countries in Europe. In 2020, this share was around 3.5%.

The result? What does  nph  take away from the project and what are the starting points for the future? 

The newly established analytics provide a new perspective on the online donation process. It is no longer only the pre-Christmas period that encourages donations,  rather an increased volume of donations  was in fact noted over the entire coronavirus  period. An increase in online affinity  in combination with the extensive analyses enables a finer target group analysis. In  order  to create  fresh impulses for  new and existing donors, more targeted marketing activities can be undertaken from now on. The technical implementation will continue to be handled by punkt.de and  econda  will provide the opportunity for analysis.  We are very pleased to be able to continue supporting nph  in this endeavor in partnership with punkt.de. 

Bild nph Spendenshop

nph Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e. V.

“My greatest wish is to turn children’s unhappiness into happiness.” This was what motivated Padre William  Wasson  to found the international children’s charity  nph in Mexico in 1954. The abbreviation  nph  stands for  nuestros  pequeños  hermanos  or “our little brothers and sisters”. nph  Kinderhilfe Lateinamerika e. V., based in Karlsruhe, was created as the German outfit in 1985.  nph runs projects and programs  relating to child and family welfare, education, emergency aid, medical care and sustainable development in nine countries across Latin America and the Caribbean.  In the beginning, it was mainly about orphans and street children finding a new family in the nph children’s villages. Today,  nph  increasingly takes care of social orphans and helps families and their children get out of poverty. More than 18,000 children have already found a new family at nph. Extensive humanitarian aid outside the Children’s Villages reaches well over 100,000 people annually. 

For more information, visitwww.nph-kinderhilfe.org