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Consulting Get the very best out of your data – with our help

Even the best software solutions can’t help you if you don’t know how to get the most out of them. Our consultants at ECONDA have spent the last 20 years or so building up comprehensive knowledge on E-Commerce, Analytics, Recommendation and Personalization. And we would love to share our know-how with you.

Workshops Personalized training for knowledge transfer

Got specific challenges or issues? We would be happy to help you with our workshops which cover all topics relating to ECONDA Analytics and ECONDA Personalization.

  • Want to work with us to optimize your reporting?
  • Need support with individual reports, analyses, dimensions and metrics?
  • Want to personalize your website or online shop but not sure what’s the best way to go about it?
  • Want to get the ideal configuration for your Recommendation widgets and rules?

Conversion Tuning Data-drive performance boosts

We will help you optimize your marketing, website or online shop using data. We will get the very best out of your analyses at a monthly consultation between you and your customer service advisor.

  • Your personal customer service advisor will analyze your data with you.
  • Thanks to their experience, they can quickly spot irregularities and stumbling blocks for visitors to your website or online shop.
  • We will review the success of the optimization together.
  • Your ECONDA expert will work on an optimization strategy for continually improving your performance in dialog with you.
Conversion Tuning

Cross Sell Tuning The perfect reco and personalization strategy

We will help you use econda Personalization efficiently and profitably. Optimize product recommendations in your online shop at monthly consultations, collaborate with us on your personalization concept and expand your remarketing.

  • Your personal customer service advisor will give you tips in the form of Best Practices.
  • Your personal customer service advisor will optimize and personalize your cross-selling and upselling strategy with you.
  • Together, we will identify where you have the most sales potential.
Cross Sell Tuning

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